Supreme Court Secretary Inactive Hasbi Hasan Claims Verbal Antimization Of KPK Investigators

JAKARTA - The inactive secretary of the Indonesian Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan admitted that he was verbally intimidated by investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) when he was examined as a witness in the investigation of the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) case.

Hasbi revealed this when reading his personal memorandum of defense or plea in the case of alleged bribery and gratification in case management at the Supreme Court, at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.

"The actual condition occurred during the process of investigating the Intidana KSP case, where at that time my position was still a witness, there was verbal intimidation by the KPK investigators against me and the staff in the Supreme Court," Hasbi said as quoted by ANTARA.

Hasbi admitted that he received verbal intimidation during a search at the Supreme Court and during his examination as a witness. The KPK person, he said, asked himself to change the Search Minutes and be threatened if he did not do so.

If I don't change the minutes, my personal chats will be opened to the public. The KPK investigator told me, "Don't try to contact or ask anyone for help, even the four-star general I don't pay attention to or ignore," he said.

Hasbi continued, the KPK investigator also bullied security offices and MA public relations employees. However, Hasbi did not specify the context that occurred at that time.

When the KPK investigators came up to the second floor, the Supreme Court threatened security with the words 'What rank are you?' That the investigator had told one of the Supreme Court's public relations employees, "That I have not found evidence of the involvement of the Secretary of the Supreme Court, but I am curious about arresting the Supreme Court's secretary," he said.

In this memorandum of defense, he asked the panel of judges to reject the indictment and demands of the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU). He also asked to be acquitted of all charges and demands.

Hasbi is a defendant in the alleged bribery and gratification case management case of KSP Intidana at the cassation level in the Supreme Court. He was charged with 13 years and 8 months in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to imprisonment for 6 months.

Hasbi was also sentenced to additional penalties to pay compensation in the amount of Rp3.88 billion no later than one month after the court's decision obtained a permanent law, a subsidiary of a 3-year prison sentence.

In the indictment, Hasbi is said to have violated Article 12 letter a in conjunction with Article 18 of the Anti-Corruption Law (UU) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 12 B in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.