Chip Installation Successful, Neuralink First Patient Can Control Computers Using Mind

JAKARTA Neuralink, a company that grows chips into the human brain, broadcasted live on platform X on Wednesday, March 20. This live broadcast shows the first patient from Neuralink.

The patient named Noland Arbaugh was seen playing chess online without touching his computer device. Arbaugh was able to control the exchange rate to move chess only using his mind.

Together with Engineer Neuralinkeliss Chapman, Arbaugh wants to show that the chip installation in his brain is indeed successful. However, the chip placed in his brain still has some shortcomings and unexplained problems.

"(This technology) is not perfect and has some problems," he said. "I don't want people to think this is the end of the journey, there's still a lot of work to be done, but it's changed my life."

Arbaugh also explained that chip installation operations were very easy. In fact, he was able to get out of the hospital the day after surgery. So far, Arbaugh has had no cognitive impairment.

"I basically stopped playing the game (Civilization VI)," said Arbaugh. "You all (Neuralink) gave me the ability to do it again and play for 8 hours in a row."

Arbaugh carried out the implant installation process in January. He continued to train after chip installation was carried out and Elon Musk, owner of Neuralink, also had time to say that Arbaugh was able to control computers with just a thought.

For now, the chip's capabilities are still limited to computer control. However, Musk said that, "The signal from the brain's motor cortex can pass through the damaged spine so that people can walk back and use their arms normally (in the long term)."