Ngaku Nabi, Motif Pria Asal Tebingtinggi Dapat Mandat Tuhan Terbarkan Islam

TEBINGTINGGI - The Tebingtinggi Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit, North Sumatra named Jannes Kilon Diaz as a suspect, on Wednesday, March 20. Jannes Kilon Diaz, a man from Tebingtinggi City, claimed to be a prophet and was about to dissolve Islam.

After undergoing an examination, Jannes Kilon Diaz was led to attend a case title at the Tebingtinggi Police Headquarters. It is known that the 35-year-old man, a resident from Jalan Letda Sujono, Bapim District, Tebingtinggi City, was arrested at a workshop on Jalan Belibis not far from his house.

Tebingtinggi Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Anderas Tampubolon said the determination of the suspect after the Police Satreskrim investigators conducted a case title and examined the suspect and a number of witnesses. However, Anderas has not been able to explain the motive of the suspect who made the video in charge of the prophet.

According to him, the police are still focused on criminal acts of electronic transaction information or ITE.

"The person concerned has been detained for further investigation regarding the viral video. Regarding the motive, we are still investigating that we focus on the elements of the article we suspect, in order to find out and conclude the criminal act committed by the suspect," said Anderas, Wednesday night.

In this case, Tebingtinggi Police investigators confiscated a number of evidences of a white robe and the pulpit used by the suspect when he claimed to be a prophet, cellphone, tripot and also the hands-free used by the suspect to make a video confession of the prophet.

Jannes Kilon Diaz was charged with Article 45 A, paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Transaction Information whose legal threat is above five years in prison.

Previously, a video went viral on social media of a man from Tebingtinggi City named Jannes Kilon Diaz claiming to be a prophet. Not only that, Jannes also admitted that he had received a mandate from God to dissolve Islam.

Behind it is known, Janes Kilon Diaz made a video of the prophet's confession on March 18, 2024 at a golf course in Penonggol Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Serdang Bedagai Regency.

Now Jannes Kilon Diaz has been named a suspect and detained at the Tebingtinggi Police Headquarters, North Sumatra.