The Manggala Agni Kampar Team Extinguished 2 Hectares Of Burned Land

PEKANBARU - The Manggala Agni Team for the Operational Areas of Sumatra IV/Pekanbaru is trying to continue to extinguish the fire on an area of two hectares on Jalan Riau Ujung Karya Indah Village, Tapung District, Kampar, Riau.

"Untuk kondisi lahan yang terbakar di Desa Karya Indah tersebut merupakan tanah gambut sehingga membutuhkan cukup waktu untuk memadamkannya," kata Kepala Manggala Agni Daops Sumatra IV/Pekanbaru, Chaerul Parsaulian Ginting dilansir ANTARA, Rabu, 20 Maret.

There were obstacles in extinguishing the fire because the burned land area was in a location where four-wheeled vehicles had been accessed so that it was difficult to mobilize vehicles.

Therefore, he said with the terrain which was difficult to cause extinguishing efforts to face obstacles so that extinguishing efforts would still take place on Thursday (21/4).

"Based on information conveyed by local Babinsa, forest and land fires in this location have been going on since yesterday. However, we only went down to the location after the location of the forest and land fires was monitored as hot spots and air patrols," he said.

On the 23.00 WIB update, the total hotspots in the Sumatra region reached 185. Of these, most were concentrated in several provinces, including Bengkulu with 42 points, West Sumatra 24 points, and Bangka Belitung with 27 points, Jambi and Lampung with 6 points each. South Sumatra 16 points, North Sumatra 12, Riau Islands 4 points.

Riau area has a total of 48 hotspots, with the most in Dumai (15 points) and Pelalawan (22 points), followed by Rokan Hilir, Siak, Indragiri Hulu, and Meranti Islands, each with 2 hotspots.