Cardi B Wants To Make The Best Song For Collaboration With Rihanna

JAKARTA - Throughout his career as rapper, Cardi B has collaborated with many great musicians. SZA, Bruno Mars, even DJ Snake and Selena Gomez have collaborated with him.

Initially, Cardi B admitted that he was not too picky about music partners. "Anyone who comes, I will," he said as quoted by NME, Tuesday, March 19.

"There are several names that I want to invite in a song, but I don't feel like I deserve to give them to them. Moreover, Irap more often," he said.

He also claimed to be an admirer of Rihanna's music. This artist from the United States is also eager to collaborate with Riri one day.

"I really like Rihanna's music, but I don't make songs like that. I would sound stupid if I sang or tried to sound like that," added Cardi B.

However, in order to realize his dream with Rihanna, Cardi B will make the perfect song for their duet. "If I have the perfect song, I have to make something he definitely likes," he concluded.