Bengkulu Police Seize 291 Meranti Types Of Wood Cuts And Set 1 Suspect Truck Driver
JAKARTA - Sub-Directorate of Certain Crimes (Sub-Directorate of Tipidter) of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the Bengkulu Police confiscated 291 pieces of meranti wood that did not have a permit or were illegal. The Bengkulu Police also arrested a truck driver carrying a wood with the initials RS (37).Dirreskrimsus Polda Bengkulu Kombes I Wayan Riko Setiawan said the hospital was a resident of Padang Rambun Village, South Seluma District, Seluma Regency."The hospital is suspected of committing a criminal act II without the right to bring wood without carrying a legal certificate of forest products," Wayan said in Bengkulu as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 19.The chronology of the arrest began on Friday (15/3) when a truck crossed the Bengkulu-Lampung Cross Road area, precisely in Linau Village, Maje District, Kaur Regency.Then, the personnel stopped and found that the suspect was carrying a truck containing wooden blocks, which were suspected to have been the result of illegal logging or illegal logging.During the examination, it was found that the wood was a meranti type and the suspect did not have a legal forest product certificate (SKSHH) so that the suspect and the evidence were immediately taken to the Bengkulu Police Headquarters for follow-up.Jeri continued, the suspect RS has been detained at the Bengkulu Police Headquarters and the evidence confiscated in the form of meranti wood with 291 pieces.Meanwhile, based on the suspect's statement, the wood was brought from Padang Guci District, Kaur Regency to Jakarta.
For his actions, the suspect is threatened with Article 83 paragraph (2) letter b junto Article 12 letter e of Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning the prevention and eradication of forest destruction with a threat of five years in prison."With this case, the police will still carry out developments by asking for information from the suspect," said Jeri.