South Kalimantan Police Examine Dozens Of Victims Of Bodong Fuel Investment

BANJARMASIN - Investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Regional Police examined dozens of victim witnesses from the diesel fuel investment case who were suspected of being fraudulent with a total loss of tens of billions of rupiah.

"The case has gone up to the investigation stage because the results of the case title were found that there was a criminal element, now the witness examination continues," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Erick Frendriz, in Banjarmasin as reported by ANTARA, Monday, March 18.

Even though the investigation has been launched, Erick said investigators have not yet named a suspect.

The determination of the suspect was carried out after the fulfillment of at least two pieces of evidence as contained in Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code and accompanied by the examination of potential suspects.

Meanwhile, the attorney for dozens of reporters, Muhammad Ilham Fiqri, hopes that investigators will immediately determine the reported person with the initials FN (27) as a suspect and bring together the victims at the South Kalimantan Police.

"The victims were no longer able to contact the reported and their whereabouts were unknown, they wanted to question whether the investment money could be returned," he said.

Ilham said the number of victims who had officially reported 18 people gave power of attorney to him through M. Ilham FiqriS.H., MH & Co.

Then there are additional 20 other victims who plan to meet the investigators immediately to provide information.

"Of all these victims, the total loss reached Rp35 billion. The victim's investment varied from Rp50 million, there was Rp1 billion and there was even Rp4 billion," he said.

Ilham also asked the police to apply money laundering (TPPU) to the reported person known to Bhayangkari from the husband of a member of the National Police serving at the South Kalimantan Police, in addition to the main criminal act of fraud.

"The assets and the flow of funds must be traced, including whether it is true that the business he is running is buying and selling diesel," he said.

Ilham also revealed that the victims were tempted by the big profits from the investment offered by the perpetrators, including the promotion of a number of well-known celebrities.

The investment business, which began to run in 2020, attracted hundreds of people to join until finally the traffic jam of profit was received by investors since the end of 2023.