Demonstration In Front Of The Indonesian KPU Menteng, Masses Burn Tires While Shouting 'Reject The Cheating Presidential Election'

JAKARTA - Two different mass groups held a demonstration at the same time in front of the Indonesian KPU Office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Menteng District, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 18. They carried two large banners bearing the launch of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Fall and Justice Jokowi. Fire the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU and the Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu," read the inscription on the banner of the command car.

"Reject the Cheating Presidential Election! Destroyer of the Constitution, Criminals of Democracy. Displace Jokowi! A gang of master fraudsters, fire the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, the Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu, and the Constitutional Court Judge!" read another banner.

In the banner, there is a photo of President Jokowi with a shadow resembling a Pinocchio doll with a long nose.

In addition, there is a photo of the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hashim Asy'ari, the Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu Rahmat Bagja, and the Constitutional Court (MK) Judge Anwar Usman.

The action in this group looks 'garang'. The mob burned used tires in front of the Indonesian KPU Office. Orator continued to shout the demands of 'piery' through loudspeakers.

"Greetings for improvement! Leave Jokowi!," he said.

From VOI's observation, thousands of joint masses from students who raided the Indonesian KPU office closed the Imam Bonjol Road section to the HI Roundabout.

They carried two large banners that were stretched across the road to close Imam Bonjol Street.