Three Times Support Prabowo Becomes A Presidential Candidate, PAN Hopes To Get More Seats In The Cabinet

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) hopes to get more seats in the Prabowo-Gibran government cabinet if it is later determined as the winner of the 2024 presidential election by the KPU. This is because PAN has faithfully supported Prabowo Subianto in three presidential nominations.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the DPP PAN, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, in response to the number of ministerial seats for his political parties in the next government cabinet.

Saleh said PAN was still focused on managing the recapitulation of votes as well as preparing to face election disputes at the Constitutional Court (MK). Therefore, the party chaired by Zulkifli Hasan has not yet discussed the ministerial allocation in the cabinet.

"This recapitulation is only a short time away. After that, we can't be calm yet. We still have to fight again in the Constitutional Court. Secure the votes of the presidential and legislative elections. Especially PAN, we have prepared several electoral districts to sue. Data and evidence have been collected. It is ready to be registered with the Constitutional Court," said Saleh, Monday, March 18.

The deputy secretary of TKN Prabowo-Gibran emphasized that the ministerial allocation in the cabinet is a joint business with coalition partners. He said that all parties have a strategic role in providing tickets and winning Prabowo-Gibran.

"The beautiful step, the determination of the ministerial quota is based on a mutual agreement. Because, even in parliament, all coalitions will definitely have their respective roles. In principle, it must be the same. No one should be left behind," said Saleh.

Therefore, Saleh believes that Prabowo-Gibran will take wise action by giving an objective assessment to all coalition parties, especially PAN.

The reason is, according to Saleh, his party has always been with Prabowo for 15 years and supported him in the presidential election three times. Even in the first period of Jokowi, PAN together with Gerindra outside the government.

"Prabowo has been a presidential candidate three times. Well, only the third one has penetrated. During those three times, PAN has always been the main supporter. Never moved support. In fact, Prabowo has been paired with Hatta Rajasa, the general chairman of PAN," Saleh explained.

"From this historical point of view, PAN can expect more. So far, grief has been faced equally. It's a turn to be happy, so hopefully stay together. This is an important point that also needs to be reminded," he said.

Even so, the chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR emphasized that the issue of the cabinet is the prerogative of the president. Therefore, said Saleh, PAN will respect the decisions that Prabowo will make.

"Just this matter later. Now we focus on completing all stages of the election. The important thing is that togetherness must be strengthened," he concluded.