Gunfight With OPM In Puncak Jaya, Central Papua, 1 TNI AL Elite Troop Falls

The shootout between the TNI and the OPM separatist group has occurred again in Muara District, Puncak Jaya, Central Papua, resulting in one TNI soldier from the elite Indonesian Navy, Marine Sergeant Ismunandar being killed.“TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto and his staff expressed their condolences for the death of Sertu Mar Ismunandar. May Allah SWT accept his deeds of worship, forgive all sins and mistakes, ” according to the official broadcast of the TNI Information Center (Puspen) which was uploaded on his official Instagram account @puspentni in Jakarta, Monday, March 18.Puspen TNI in the same upload also said that the deceased received an increase in the rank of posthumous. “ For his services, the deceased was promoted to Serka Mar Anumerta (Ismunandar, ed.),” said Puspen TNI.Condolences and condolences for the death of Ismumandar were also conveyed by the Commander of the Marine Corps (Dankormar) Major General TNI (Mar) Endi Supardi. Endi paid his respects to the funeral home and met the victim's family at the Denjaka Complex, Cilandak, Jakarta, Sunday (17/3).“We have lost the best soldiers. The deceased is a very loyal figure and focuses on duty, respected and loved by his family and colleagues in the Marine Corps, especially in the ranks of Denjaka. We pray that the late Marine Sergeant Isnandar is accepted by God Almighty and the bereaved family is given fortitude and strength, ” said Dankormar to the bereaved family as quoted from the official broadcast of the Indonesian Navy Marine Corps Information Service (Dispen).Some of his colleagues described the figure of the deceased as an example, especially those who serve the nation and state with dedication and enthusiasm. Ismunandar is also known as a reliable and tireless Marine Corps fighter soldier during his tenure.
At the funeral home, several Marine Corps officials also mourned, including Assistant Personnel (Aspers) Dankormar Marine Colonel Arif Handono, Assistant Planning and Budget (Asrena) Marine Corps Marine Colonel Wahyudi Saputra, Commander of the Jalamangkara Detachment (Dandenjaka) TNI AL Marine Colonel Rianto, along with a number of officers from Denjaka.