The Public Is Asked To Accept The KPU's Decision Regarding The Results Of The 2024 Presidential Election

Academics from the University of Muhammadyah Kupang Zainur Wula asked the entire community to respect whatever the General Elections Commission (KPU) decision regarding the results of the vote acquisition in the 2024 presidential election.

"In my opinion, the results that will be announced by the KPU must be accepted by all parties," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, March 17.

This was conveyed in relation to the need for national reconciliation after the 2024 General Election and together focused on building Indonesia towards developed countries.

The UMK Chancellor also considered that differences of opinion, accuse each other and accuse each other, even political intrigues that continue to occur are part of the dynamics and dynamics of democracy in Indonesia.

He advised the public if anyone was dissatisfied or did not want to accept defeat to be taken through the Constitutional Court (MK).

"We are a great nation, we must and must encourage the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, with the leadership we have just given space so that all work programs of vision and mission when the campaign can be realized to advance the Indonesian nation in the next five years according to the state's goals which are contained in the opening of the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution," he said.

He also hopes that the elected presidential/cawapres and elected legislative candidates to implement all campaign promises, vision and work program missions, will really be realized.

According to him, the community basically misses and encourages to continue to maintain unity and integrity, maintain solidarity and social harmony so that all the ideals of the nation can be realized through a leader who is elected for the next five years.

"Especially those related to economic difficulties faced in real daily life by the people of NTT and Indonesia in general," he concluded.