Reku Reveals The Importance Of Allocation Of Funds To Invest In Crypto Assets In The Month Of Ramadan

JAKARTA - The Populix survey in 2022 states that financial spending during Ramadan tends to jump 25-50 percent higher.

Responding to this trend, Jesse Choi as Co-CEO Reku at the Finance Flash event entitled 'Ngabuburit Discusses Investment Prospects During Ramadan' said it was important to pay attention to healthy financial allocations, including investing.

"Composing a financial plan is very necessary in order to avoid impulsive spending, such as shopping discounts that are often tempting," Jesse said in a statement quoted on Sunday, March 17.

Jesse also said that he is optimistic about the crypto investment climate in the global and Indonesian asset classes. Moreover, Bitcoin is currently experiencing abullish trend.

"In global assets such as crypto, Bitcoin is in abullish trend to have scored All-Time-High in Indonesia. In addition, Bitcoin Halving also received great enthusiasm from investors," he explained further.

Therefore, Jesse appealed to investors to continue to optimize these conditions by continuing to allocate investment and diversify.

Given the number of crypto investors in Indonesia who have penetrated 19 million people, the Head of the Commodity CoFTRA Futures Development and Development Bureau, Tirta Karma Sanjaya, conveyed the importance of choosing an investment platform that has a permit and gets supervision from regulators.

"Security is an uncompromised factor. So, make sure to choose the investment platform registered with CoFTRA before investing in crypto assets," said Tirta.

That way, Tirta added, investors can invest comfortably because the system and transaction mechanism are under regulatory supervision.

"Moreover, the crypto market is believed to enter the bulk run phase, of course investors want to optimize their momentum and optimize their investment strategy properly," he concluded.