Sido Muncul Healthy Kiosk Now Present At The Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital

JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu dan Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) presents the first Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk in Jakarta. The healthy kiosk is placed by this Tolak Angin producer at the Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital (RSI).

Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat said, the Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk at the Jakarta Cempaka Putih Hospital was the first in Jakarta and fifth in Indonesia.

Previously, the Sido Muncul Natural Healthy Kiosk was present at Bung Karno Hospital Surakarta, Pantiwilasa Hospital Dr. Cipto Semarang, Banyumanik Hospital 2 Semarang, Bali Mandara Hospital, and Ari Canti Bali Hospital.

"The first Healthy Kiosk in Jakarta is present as an effort by Sido Muncul to introduce herbal medicine as an alternative treatment to the community. This is an herbal medicine that can support public health," said Irwan in his statement, quoted on Saturday, March 16.

Irwan hopes that the products owned by Sido Muncul can be a companion and complementary in patient treatment, especially at RSI Jakarta Cempaka Putih.

At the Sido Muncul Healthy Kiosk, Natural is available at least 50 types of herbal food supplements in the form of capsules and soft jells, as well as various types of modern herbal medicines produced by PT Sido Muncul.

"Sido appears targeting this healthy kiosk to be present at all hospitals in Indonesia in the future," concluded Irwan.