PKB Proposes Ida Fauziyah And Hasbiallah Ilyas To Advance For The DKI Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) proposed two names, namely the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah and the Chairman of the DPW PKB DKI Hasbiallah Ilyas to run for the election of the governor (pilgub) of DKI Jakarta. "If PKB, for DKI there are many stocks, there are members of the elected DPR RI South Jakarta Bu Ida Fauziyah, there is the chairman of the DPP PKB who is also elected to become members of the DPR RI in East Jakarta, Mr. Hasbiallah Ilyas and other big names," said Secretary General of the DPP PKB M Hasanuddin Wahid after holding a meeting with high-ranking parties of the Change Coalition in NasDem Tower, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 16. Hean said that at least two names would color DKI Jakarta from the PKB faction. However, he admitted that he would still wait for the NasDem and PKS, who were both members of the Change Coalition, whether or not these names were worthy to be considered. "If we don't look for more great names anymore, who knows that the Secretary General of Nasdem wants to be a candidate for governor, NTT people will be candidates for the Governor of Jakarta," he said. Hesan said that the dynamics towards regional head elections (Pilkada) DKI is still long, so he hopes that the Coalition for change will continue to maintain solidarity and cohesiveness. "DKI Jakarta can also get two seats in the RI PKB, which so far has only been PKB can, in 1999 is one DKI seat, this is the blessing of a coalition with these friends," he said.
It is known that the three political parties that are members of the Change Coalition, namely the NasDem Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) want to defend the coalition when facing the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).
The regional elections to elect governors, regents, and mayors will be held simultaneously throughout the region on November 27, 2024. The 2024 election includes the presidential and vice presidential elections, members of the DPR RI, members of the DPD RI, members of the provincial DPRD, and members of the district/city DPRD with a final voter list (DPT) at the national level as many as 204,807,222 voters. according to KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2022, the recapitulation of the national votes for the 2024 election is scheduled to take place from February 15 to March 20, 2024.