Members Of The House Of Representatives Ask For Energy Transition Don't Burden The Community

Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto asked the government to be more careful in transitioning energy to clean energy so as not to burden the community with more expensive energy prices.

"Do not let the construction towards net zero emissions (zero carbon emissions) even charge an expensive energy price for the community, be it electricity or related to oil and gas," said Mulyanto, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 15.

According to him, the gradual energy transition and not accompanied by careful preparation can have an impact on the disrupted business climate.

He asked the government to focus on preparing energy infrastructure and making gradual transitions.

"Rencana yang terlalu cepat menyebabkan bisnis mereka (sosyarakat) juga terganggu," kata Mulyanto.

Previously, the Government through the National Energy Council (DEN) revised the target for the new renewable energy mix (EBT) by 2025 to 17-19 percent from the previous target of 23 percent through the renewal of the National Energy Policy (KEN).

The DEN is drafting PP Renewal Number 79 of 2014 concerning National Energy Policy which adapts to strategic environmental changes that are in line with climate change commitments and accommodates energy transition efforts towards carbon neutral 2060.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that the realization of the EBT mix in 2023 was 13.1 percent of the target of 17.9 percent. Meanwhile, in 2022, the realization of the EBT mix is 12.3 percent of the target of 15.7 percent.

Strategies are carried out to increase the mix of EBT, including the implementation of the construction of EBT plants through a business plan to provide electricity (RUPTL) with a target of 10.6 gigawatts (GW) in 2025.