The Danger Of Oplosan Alcohol For The Body: Watch Out! Can Cause Kronis Diseases And Even Deaths!
YOGYAKARTA - As a result of the increasingly expensive price of liquor, aka alcohol, finally many people made alcohol from mixed materials to reap a number of benefits. But did you know about the dangers of adulterated alcohol? This time we will discuss it here. Let's see until it's finished.
Mixed liquor is indeed a dangerous drink, because drinking drinks usually contain methanol, which is a type of alcohol that is very dangerous and toxic to the human body when consumed, if mixed with other ingredients, the effect is even more deadly.
1. Respiratory Disorder
People who drink adulterated alcohol can experience respiratory problems. He will complain that his breathing slows down and falls off.
At a further stage, the person can experience cardiac arrest and cardiac arrest. This emergency can lead to death.
2. Poisoning
Alcohol poisoning is a very frequent situation due to consuming adulterated alcohol. This condition can disrupt the work of the respiratory system, heart rate, body temperature, and nerves.
If the danger of mixed alcohol is not quickly addressed, people who experience it are at great risk of dying.
3. Blood Basa Acid Disorder
Mixed liquor can cause bloodbase acid disorders. In the world of medicine, this disorder is known as metabolic acidosis.
Blood base acid disorders also affect the mechanism for regulating the balance of the respiratory system and the function of the kidneys, disorders in the cardiovascular system, and disorders for the central nervous system.
4. Pancreatitis
Acute Pancreatitis is inflammation that takes place in the pancreas. One of the triggers for chronic pancreatitis is consuming alcoholic drinks, including adulterated alcohol.
People who experience chronic pancreatitis will experience complaints of severe pain in the upper abdomen. If this situation is not quickly resolved, the disease will develop and risk causing complications of damage to the permanent pancreas network.
5. Hepatitis
The contents of alcohol in adulterated alcohol can permanently interfere with the cells of the liver. This condition can stimulate hepatitis.
Hepatitis can cause various disorders of the function of the body, especially those related to the metabolic system.
6. Visual impairment
Mixed liquor has methanol compounds. These compounds have a toxic effect on the eye nerve.
People who often consume alcohol and are at large risk of having eye problems, as if their thoughts were blocked by dark curtains. This disturbance is very difficult to treat, especially if it can be permanent.
7. Sirose of the heart
Heart cirrhosis is a scar tissue formed in the liver due to long-term damage. One of the triggers for liver cirrhosis is consuming alcohol, including mixed alcohol.
liver Sirosis that is not quickly treated can cause permanent damage to the liver. In the end, sufferers will experience liver failure to death.
Take care of your health and avoid adulterated alcohol or consume alcohol beyond the limits. The dangers of the above adulterated alcohol are very detrimental to health and are life-threatening.
If you experience health complaints due to alcoholic beverages, immediately contact the nearest doctor.
Talking about alcohol, you also have to read:'Miras Entrepreneurs Are Made Confused Because of the Alcoholic Drink Bill' so that you know why the price of alcohol is getting more expensive.
So after knowing the dangers of adulterated alcohol, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!