Stunting Food Aid Distribution Targeted To Be Completed In The Next 6 Months

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia or ID FOOD Frans Marganda Tambunan targets that the distribution of food aid to prevent stunting in a number of Indonesian regions will be completed within the next six months.

There are seven provinces that are targeted by stunting-prone families (KRS) this year, namely North Sumatra, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Nusa Tenggara and West Sulawesi, with a total of 1,446,089 KRS.

It is known that the food assistance provided was in the form of 10 eggs and 1 kg of frozen chicken (frozens).

"Our target for one stunting distribution (food) is that we can complete 1.4 million within one month. This year by learning from last year's experience, we directed our entire team to one term for one month," Frans told reporters at a press conference for the Implementation of 2024 Stunting Handling Assistance at the Jatisampurna District Office, Bekasi City, Friday, March 15.

"So, we want to say that there will be (assistance distribution) in the next 6 months. ID FOOD and all companies will work hard to distribute this program," he continued.

On the same occasion, Commercial Director ID Food Nina Sulistyowati said the distribution of stunting food assistance would be carried out in 2 stages.

"One stage is three deliveries. So, the 2 stages are 6 deliveries. Well, the 6 distributions in one assignment from Bapanas must be completed in a month," he said.

According to Nina, the time for distributing the aid itself will be adjusted to the situation and conditions. Because, now it has entered the Ramadan period and ahead of the 2024 Eid holiday.

"If Lebaran can be twice a month or (each) 2 weeks, because of the anticipation of a long holiday. We see the situation and conditions," he said.

For your information, the National Food Agency (Bapanas) together with BUMN Food Holding ID FOOD will start distributing Government Food Reserves (CPP) for food assistance for stunting handling in 2024.

The budget allocated for the distribution of stunting food assistance reached around Rp400 billion.

This program aims to reduce stunting rates and reduce the level of food and nutrition in Indonesia.

The initial distribution itself began in West Java to 1,435 KRS, which were distributed simultaneously in the Bekasi City area as many as 469 KRS, Cimahi City 466 KRS and Depok City 500. West Java was chosen as the first location because it has the highest number of recipients with a total of 403,285 KRS.