What The Body Feels When Washing Blood: Here's The Answer From A Patient

YOGYAKARTA - When you hear the term dialysis that is in our minds, of course something painful. But is that true? So, what does the body feel during dialysis, huh?

Washing blood or hemodialis is a procedure intended to remove toxins in the body due to damaged kidneys. Generally, the procedure carried out with this machine is carried out on patients who experience kidney failure.

The kidneys are a pair of organs located in the lower back zone. Kidneys have various roles, such as removing poison, regulating the balance of fluids in the body, filtering out metabolic remnants, releasing hormones that control blood pressure, and regulating the production of red blood cells.

Damaged kidneys cannot play a good role. As a result, toxins will accumulate in the body so that there are many health problems. To replace the function of the kidney in removing the toxine, a procedure is needed that uses a special machine, one of which is washing blood.

Many people are curious about what it's like to wash their blood, right? Launching from several sources who had the opportunity to ask a patient who was undergoing the dialysis process.

"It doesn't hurt, at least just when the injection is inserted it feels a little pain, the rest is normal," said the patient.

Aims And Indications Of Blood Laundering

As mentioned above, blood washing aims to filter out toxins and body metabolic substances that should be disposed of by the kidneys. The role of this kidney can be stalled due to kidney failure, either chronic kidney failure or chronic kidney failure.

Clinical kidney failure is usually caused by the following circumstances:

Meanwhile, chronic kidney failure can result from severe bleeding, heart attacks, severe infections, or severe dehydration.

In general, kidney failure can be recognized from the following complaints:

Dialysis is one of the 3 substitute treatments for kidney function, not only continuous periodial dialysis (CAPD) or dialysis through the stomach and kidney transplantation, but chronic kidney failure providers will be given 3 options for treatment to replace the function of the kidney.

Some patients who meet the provisions for kidney transplant can take a temporary healing procedure until they get a kidney donor. After obtaining a kidney donor, the patient can undergo a transplant or kidney transplant and does not need to undergo a dialysis procedure again.

Warning And Prohibition Of Bloodwashing

Dialysis can be stopped if the kidneys are no longer damaged and can play a reasonable role. However, damage due to chronic kidney failure is rarely fully restored so that the sufferer needs to undergo dialysis in the long term, even during his lifetime.

During dialysis, patients are advised to consume a lot of protein, and limit the consumption of potassium, phosphorus, and salt, including salt in packaged foods, secretion, and energy drinks. This is because so many minerals in the blood can cause other health problems.

Not only limiting mineral consumption, those with kidney failure who undergo regular dialysis are also advised to limit fluid intake. This is because the kidneys are no longer able to protect the balance of body fluids properly so that the fluid can accumulate in the heart and lungs.

Patients are also required to inform doctors about other diseases that may be experienced as well as medicines that are being used, including herbs and supplements.

It should be noted that washing blood is not recommended for people with heart failure, blood clotting disorders, or patients whose vital signs are unstable. Also read: 'Warn World Kidney Day, This Is the Role of Ethana in Medicine in Indonesia'.

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