Jogging Tips Before Breaking Fast So It's Not Easy To Drink

YOGYAKARTA - Fasting is not a reason for us to exercise. One alternative that can be done when fasting is jogging. So, how about the implementation of jogging before breaking the fast properly?

Generally, when fasting we will avoid tiring and sweating activities, such as exercise. Indeed, many people choose not to exercise when fasting. Even though exercise can be done when fasting according to experts.

Launching from the Khaleej Times website, according to dr. Javaid Shah, Specialist Doctor in Dubai, exercising when we are fasting can make our brains better.

Benefits Of Jogging During Fasting

Jogging is often defined as running at a speed of less than 6 miles per hour (mph). Jogging aims to protect the body so that it is always fit. But without realizing it, in fact jogging also has many other benefits, such as:

When before carrying out the jogging, you must always pay attention to the good and correct jogging guidelines so that your fast is always maintained.

1. Consume Carbohydrates and Protein

Consumption of carbohydrates and protein during sahur and breaking the fast can also make the body healthier. Carbohydrates are the body's main fuel. On the other hand, protein means a lot for repair and muscle care after you have finished exercising.

Dishes that have carbohydrates are potatoes and oatmeals, on the other hand, foods that have large protein are cheese, eggs, yogurt, tuna, wheat and many more. And the important thing is to consume more vegetables and fruit.

2. Fulfill Fluid consumption So As Not To Be Dehydrated

Meeting liquid intake before jogging is very important. This is definitely to avoid dehydration in the body.

While fasting, you should drink more water than usual. It is advisable to drink water at least 8 to 12 glasses in one day during the breaking period until dawn. You can also drink other healthy drinks.

You can also drink natural electrolyte liquid, a kind of coconut water. Coconut water can refill electrolytes but is low in calories.

However, artificial electrolyte water can also have a high amount of sugar. So it should be a natural selection and reduce the many-sold electrolyte drinks.

3. Choose the Best Time for Jogging

If you generally jogging at any time, whether it's morning, afternoon, or evening, at the time of fasting you should think about the right time so that your fast is not canceled due to fatigue.

The best time you can live is before breaking the fast. This is considered to be able to burn more fat and lose weight efficiently.

You also don't have to wait very long to drink and eat. And remember not to take too long to do sports, you should do it for 30-60 minutes only.

The next best time you can choose before jogging is after breaking the fast. But wait until your body is well studied, don't eat directly after exercise, because this matter is not good for the stomach.

Not only before and after breaking the fast, you can also carry out jogging after dawn.

Jogging that is done after dawn can maintain physical fitness, but should not be too late during jogging because you must always provide energy to carry out other activities until the time of breaking the fast.

4. Don't Forget to Warm up first

To avoid unwanted wounds, you must first warm up. You can do lunge, squat, high knee, and calf-races.

It doesn't take very long, the most important thing is not to forget to warm up so that your muscles don't get'surprised'.

In addition, there are also tips that you must read: 'Stay Budgeted During Ramadan With Sports Before Breaking Fast'.

So after knowing that you are jogging before breaking the fast, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!