4 Most Beautiful Floating Markets In Asia, From Kalimantan To Thailand

YOGYAKARTA - The floating market is an intangible cultural heritage that has its own attraction. A distinctive feature of floating markets is the presence of traders selling on ships or floating on water. There are several floating markets in Asia that are famous and often used as tourist destinations.

Floating market or floating marketing is formed naturally from the habit of people living near the river. Indonesia itself is one of the countries that has many large rivers. That is why there are a number of floating markets in the country that are attracting attention, ranging from floating marketing on the Mekong River, on the Musi River, and others.

Apart from Indonesia, several Asian countries also have floating market culture. For example, floating markets in Thailand, Vietnam, in India, and others. The concept of floating markets in Asia is different from floating marketing in western countries. So what is the uniqueness of the floating market in Asian countries?

Visiting the floating market provides a different and unique experience. You can not only ride boats on the river, but can also interact with local communities where the floating market is located. The floating market in each country certainly has its own interesting characteristics to be covered.

Here are some floating markets in Asia that are famous for their beauty and uniqueness:

Lok Baintan is a floating market that is Indonesia's attraction. This floating marketing is above the waters of Banjar, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. This floating market has even become a rare floating marketing in the world and is popular as a tourist destination.

In Lok Baintan floating market, you can see a collection of boats on the water. Sellers sell various merchandise, such as vegetables, fruit, and others. You can also see how local traders or people interact on boats while selling or buying something.

First, there is a floating market from Vietnam located on the Mekong River. This floating marketing is already very well known and is often a bucket list of tourists. The Mekong River is one of the iconic rivers of Vietnam.

The floating market atmosphere in Mekong Delta is similar to floating marketing in the country and Thailand. The above market is formed on this canoe known as Phung Hiep or Cai Be. All sellers in this floating market ride a motor boat or a beat motorbike, so they can move faster.

Another floating market that is also known as floating marketing in Asia is Dal Lake. Dal Lake's floating market has a fairly simple appearance compared to the one in Indonesia. Traders are on the river to sell vegetable products to fruits.

This floating market presents a view of Indah from thetai Dal Lake River. So the visitors who come here are spoiled with amazing views and the culture of the people. Not only selling vegetables and fruit, but traders also offer divers.

This time, let's move to the floating market in Thailand. This country, which is one of the favorite tourist visits in Southeast Asia, also has a floating market called saduak Floating Marketing. The market above this water has been organized as a tourist spot that invites foreign tourists to come.

In the Saduak floating market, you can buy various fruits, vegetables, and various fish. Interestingly, this floating marketing is also filled by a typical Thai street snack seller. You can buy snacks cooked directly on a boat.

Those are some floating markets in Asia that are known to have unique activities and amazing views. If you are visiting one of the countries above, try to visit floating marketing to get interesting experience. Also read the best time for a vacation to Thailand.

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