Law Brushing Your Teeth When Fasting: Here's MUI's Answer

YOGYAKARTA - For some Muslims, they still like to be confused about the law of brushing their teeth when fasting, whether it is permissible or not. Therefore, this time we will discuss it below. Let's continue to look!

When we fast, the mouth does not touch the water for a long time. Therefore, brushing is a method used to reduce dryness in the mouth and also prevent unpleasant odors.

However, some people are worried that Brushing their teeth can break their fast. Because this activity is a step to put something in the mouth. So, what is the explanation like?

Based on the opinion of the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in the field of Da'wah and Ukhuwah, Cholil Nafis, dental activities will not cancel the fast, especially when it is done in the morning.

"If it is done before the dzuhur, the law is allowed, even recommended for those who want to clean their mouths," said Cholil. Meanwhile, if it is done after midday, brushing teeth during the fasting of the law becomes chaotic. That is, this activity is recommended to be abandoned, but not guilty if done.

"After all, the law is chaotic. It means that God doesn't like it, but it's not threatened with the rest of you," he added.

Meanwhile, if the water used for gargling is also swallowed, then someone's fast is canceled.

"Therefore, when we fast, gargling should not be too deep so as not to swallow water," said Cholil.

How To Overcome Oral When Fasting

1. Sufficient Liquid Needs During Opening And Sahur

How to get rid of the smell of the mouth during the first fast is to meet the daily fluid needs that will help increase saliva production, so that it can avoid the appearance of unpleasant smells. Therefore, even though you are fasting, it is still recommended that you consume water of approximately 2 liters per day.

To adequate the body's fluid needs, use 2-4-2 procedures, namely drinking 2 glasses of water when breaking the fast, 4 glasses of water after breaking until dawn, and 2 glasses at dawn. By practicing this procedure, the hydration of the body will also always be maintained.

2. Brush your teeth

Brushing teeth is the most basic step of how not to smell the mouth during fasting. After dawn, rub your teeth evenly with the right procedures to avoid food residues related to the sidelines of the teeth.

3. Clean Your Tongue

Don't forget the tongue when brushing your teeth! The tongue is also a place for germs to gather. Rinse your tongue with tongue sanitizers. Just use water and keep your tongue sanitizer You stay hygienic.

4. Consumption of Fruits with Vitamin C Content

Fruits filled with vitamin C such as oranges and pineapple can increase saliva production. When saliva is well maintained, dry mouth problems will also be resolved.

Not only that, saliva also helps wash acids made by mouth bacteria during the food decay process. As a result, the problem of the smell of the mouth while fasting becomes more controlled.

5. Healing Gusi Disease Triggers Oral

Oral can occur due to gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis. The unpleasant smell arises due to the hoarding of bacteria at the bottom of the teeth.

So that the smell of the mouth does not get worse during fasting, you should treat the problem of the gums that are the cause. To ensure proper treatment, consult a doctor.

In addition, it is better to know 'What Makes Fasting Makruh?' so that your fasting is more perfect and gets a lot of rewards.

So after knowing the law of brushing during fasting, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!