Prabowo-Gibran Wants To Build 3 Million Houses, Here's Minister Basuki's Response

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 02 Prabowo Subianto and vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Gibran Rakabuming Raka have a program that will be run in the upcoming government.

The plan is that Prabowo-Gibran will build 3 million houses.

Responding to this, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said there had been no specific discussion regarding the plan to build the 3 million houses.

However, he believes that the budget allocation to realize the program will be greater than the current program of 1 million houses in the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) era government.

"There has been no discussion yet, in the past Pak Jokowi, we could achieve more than 1 million houses. If there is a program of 3 million houses, yes, I think it is good, but it has not been discussed," Basuki told reporters at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, quoted Thursday, March 14.

Basuki assessed that the previous year's budget ceiling for the construction of low-income houses (MBR) was valued at IDR 144 million/unit.

Thus, to realize the 1 million house program, at least Rp144 trillion is needed.

Thus, if the principal cost of building 1 housing unit does not change, which is Rp144 million per unit.

Later, to build 3 million MBR houses, it is estimated that it will require a budget of around Rp. 432 trillion.

"The budgeting (for 3 million houses) is definitely not the same. One house, right, Rp144 million," he added.

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that currently the housing backlog in Indonesia has reached 12.7 million families who do not yet have a house.

The PUPR Ministry noted that the housing backlog continues to increase with the number reaching 680,000 households every year.