TikTok Prohibition Bill Ratified By US House Of Representatives, TikTok CEO Admits Disappointed

JAKARTA The draft law that would prohibit TikTok from operating has been passed by the US House of Representatives (DPR). The reason is, the majority of members agree with the policy.

The passing of the bill in the hands of parliament made TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew speak up. According to Shou, the results of the vote made by members of the DPR were very disappointing and deviated from the facts.

This approved bill shows that DPR members believe that TikTok data storage is unsafe. Therefore, Shou emphasized that TikTok users' data in the US is maintained safely from any party, including the Chinese government.

"Over the last few years, we have invested to keep your data safe and our platform free from outside manipulation. We have committed that we will continue to do so," Shou said in TikTok Policy's upload on platform X.

Shou said that the ban on TikTok would harm many parties, both ordinary users and business people. According to Shou, more than 300 thousand people will be affected because they can no longer make money by doing business on the platform.

"We know how important TikTok is to all of you. This has given our 170 million users a platform to express themselves freely and has empowered more than 7 million businesses in the United States," Shou said.

The TikTok leader also stated that his company will not stop fighting the US government. "We will continue to do everything we can, including using our legal rights to protect the incredible platforms we build."

Despite TikTok's great enthusiasm to fight the bill, TikTok's fate is currently in the hands of the Senate. If the Bill on the Protection of Americans from Foreign Enemy-controlled Apps is approved by the Senate, the presence of TikTok will be banned.

The reason is, President Joe Biden will sign the regulation. The only way to operate again in the US is to separate from ByteDance. While joining ByteDance, TikTok will be considered under Chinese control.