PBNU Asks Political Elites To Make Peace And Introspect Each Other In The Month Of Ramadan

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Ahmad Fahrur Rozi asked all political elites to make peace and mutual introspection or self-muhsabah in the holy month of Ramadan 1445 Hijri after the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) contest.

"Political Elites, whether winners or losers, should have a moment of friendship in the month of Ramadan, after getting tired of fighting in elections," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 13.

According to Fahrur Rozi (Gus Fahrur), the momentum of the month of Ramadan is considered the lateest to become a self-introspection event for all parties.

With self-introspection, Gus Fahrur hopes that all political elites can put their respective egos aside and cooperate in building Indonesia.

"I hope Ramadan can reduce the temperature of political tension in our country, because the majority of Muslims fast. Fasting is the peak of education, patience and self-control towards piety," he said.

This harmonious and harmonious attitude, continued Fahrur Rozi, must be created especially when the new president and vice president will be sworn in.

Under the new leadership of the state, he hopes that conflicts between political parties and supporters of candidate pairs can be removed for the sake of national unity.

In line with Gus Fahrur, General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Abdul Mu'ti assessed that the month of Ramadan should be a momentum to reduce conflicts and divisions between political groups after the 2024 election.

"In the hadith it is stated that in order for a person to fast a person to be perfect and accepted by Allah, he should avoid words that divide, gossip and are dirty," he said, Monday, March 11.

According to him, the month of Ramadan must be used as a momentum to create peace between groups, besides that it must also be used as a moment to clean the soul of all sins and disgraceful properties.

"Relationships between humans, which during the 2024 General Election were damaged, must be corrected," he said.