East Jakarta Police Will Take Strict Action On SOTR Activities

The East Jakarta Police reminded residents not to hold sahur on the road (SOTR). The prohibition is given to provide a sense of security and comfort in organizing the holy worship of Ramadan 1445 Hijri.

"We prohibit residents from carrying out sahur on the road during Ramadan," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly in his statement, Tuesday, March 12.

The prohibition was conveyed to anticipate brawls between residents that often occur before dawn.

If later it is known that there are groups who are still determined to carry out sahur on the road, the officers will immediately disperse.

"We carry out routine patrols. If anyone is caught (sahur on the road) we will disband," said Nicolas.

The routine patrol will involve a number of personnel from the National Police, TNI, Regional Government, Satpol-PP, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with 120 personnel.

"For patrols carried out by the East Jakarta Police, there are 30 personnel and an additional 10 personnel from each police station," he said.

The East Jakarta Metro Police also prohibits the public, especially children, from playing firecrackers or fireworks because they can endanger themselves and others.

"We also prohibit children from convoys of vehicles or illegal races because they can cause accidents. We remind you not to fight," said Nicolas.

He also appealed to the public to maintain a sense of tolerance between religious communities, so that security and public order (kamtibmas) in East Jakarta can be maintained properly.