Passengers At Kertajati Airport Increase 11 Percent On The 2024 Nyepi Long Holiday

JAKARTA - West Java International Airport Manager (BIJB) Kertajati noted that the number of passengers traveling through the flight facility, increased to 11 percent during the long holiday period of Nyepi 2024. Executive General Manager BIJB Kertajati Nuril Huda said the most popular passenger surge had been seen since Friday, March 8, which was more than 2,000 people making flights at the airport. The average at Kertajati Airport is 1,500 passengers per day. But last Friday there was a spike because it had entered the long holiday of Nyepi Day," said Nuril in Majalengka, West Java, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 11. He explained that the spike occurred because many people chose to go to several destinations during the long holiday. Moreover, on Tuesday, March 12, it also coincided with the first day of the holy month of Ramadan 2024. Based on the data, according to him, during the past week the number of passengers at Kertajati Airport reached 10.895 people. Whereas the previous week the total was around 9.810 people.Nuril said that the occupancy or occupancy of each airline was above 70 percent. Even at the end of the week the number could be up to 80-100 percent. All majors are full (during the long holidays). The most routes that are in demand by passengers are in Denpasar, followed by Balikpapan and Kualanamu,' he said. In the face of this spike, he said, BIJB Kertajati applied preventive steps to serve flight service users even better. Nuril said that one of them was by maintaining safety and security equipment as well as adding passenger service facilities. So they feel more comfortable while at the airport.

Ia menyatakan langkah ini perlu diterapkan, karena lonjakan penumpang pun diprediksi akan terjadi khususnya selama Ramadhan dan menjelang musim angkutan mudik Lebaran 2024.“Untuk saat ini saja, jumlah penerbangan pesawat mengalami kenaikan sebesar 9 persen dan angkutan kargo naik juga sebesar 20 persen,” tuturnya.Nuril menekankan BIJB Kertajati siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi penumpang, yang melakukan penerbangan dari Bandara tersebut.“Kami berupaya agar penumpang lebih nyaman dan betah. Untuk maskapai saat ini yang beroperasi ada Super Air Jet, Citylink, Air Asia Indonesia, Air Asia Malaysia dan Malaysia Airlines,” ucap dia.