Head Of BKKBN Asks All Parties To Collaborate To Relive Data To Accelerate Stunting Reduction

Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Dr. Hasto Wardoyo requested that all stakeholders collaborate with each other in reviving data to accelerate stunting reduction.

" Accurate and up-to-date data are the keys in designing strategies, identifying challenges, and measuring the impact of each intervention carried out. By turning on the data, the steps taken can be more targeted," he said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 11.

He said that proper data utilization will provide maximum benefits and contribute to policy making with standards that accommodate all one fits for all, especially in reducing stunting rates in Indonesia.

Hasto also said that BKKBN has the main data source, namely New Siga (family information system), a more contemporary and accountable information system, which is operational data for family planning officers (KB) and related parties in intervening in family development programs, population, and family planning (Bangga Kencana), especially in the context of accelerating stunting reduction.

In addition, according to him, data on KB needs that have not been met or need is also a concern, including health reasons identified as the main source of the KB breakup with a percentage of 55.97 percent, and in the 30-34 year age group reaching 13.3 percent.

"Unmet needs is closely related to stunting problems, because with KB, the birth of new stunting babies can be prevented," he said.

He also added that there needs to be an investigation and effort to prevent stunting with a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that cause unmet need, such as limited access to nutritious food, lack of nutrition education, and the lack of quality health services.

"Stunting as a result of chronic malnutrition in children reflects the family's inability to meet essential nutritional needs at important stages of human development," he said.