Nutrition Expert: Eating Aneka Porridges When Breaking Fast Is Allowed, As Long As The Sugar Is Limited

JAKARTA - Clinical nutrition expert from the Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Doctors Association dr. Veronica Wijaya MGzi SpGK allows Muslims to break their fast with various porridges as long as it limits the amount of sugar contained in it.

"All of them can be consumed, including Chinese girlfriend porridge as long as they still refer to sugar intake a day, not excessive. The Ministry of Health's recommendation to limit sugar is a maximum of 4 tablespoons per day," said Dr. Veronica, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 11.

The Chinese boyfriend Porridge, which is known to be one of the typical Betawi breaking fast dishes, is usually made from pearl sago made of tapioka, coconut milk, brown sugar, and sugar.

According to Veronica, if someone buys it in a market or trader instead of making this dish, it is better to limit the amount of intake to just one glass considering that no one knows the amount of sugar that is put in.

"Tips, for example, the soup is not spent and limits the amount. Just one serving (one cup)," he said, who also practices at the Koja Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

He reminded in principle, breaking the fast to increase blood glucose levels and body fluids. People can make a variety of open dishes, for example with fresh fruit or dates.

Fruits, he added, can be combined between sweet and runny tastes such as papaya, melon, and watermelons. Meanwhile, for the recommended number of dates, this depends on the size, but approximately as many as one to three grains.

Veronica also reminded the public not to eat fried foods when breaking the fast because it risks creating stomach problems.

This is similar to the Ministry of Health's recommendation to avoid high-fat foods when breaking the fast and even sahur such as fried foods, follow-up soups, sausage meat, piza, burgers, goat jeroans, ducks, and chicken skin.

Furthermore, regarding dishes when breaking the fast and sahur, the Ministry of Health advises the public to break the fast with water and eat sweet foods from fruits and dates, as well as drink 8-10 glasses of water from breaking the fast until dawn time.

Previously, the government based on the decision of the isbat session at the Office of the Ministry of Religion, Thamrin, Jakarta, on Sunday 10 March set the beginning of fasting or 1 Ramadan 1445 Hijri falls on Tuesday 12 March.