The Beginning Of Ramadan Is Faster A Day With The Government, This Is Minister Of Religion Yaqut's Message

JAKARTA - The government set the beginning of the month of Ramadan to fall on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The start of the fasting time set by the government is different from Muhammadiyah which began fasting on Monday, March 11 tomorrow.

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Choumas views that the initial difference in fasting is a common thing. However, Yaqut asked the public to continue to apply the value of tolerance between the two.

"Currently we know there are several differences and that is normal. However, we must continue to respect and uphold the values of tolerance so that a conducive atmosphere is created," Yaqut said in a press conference broadcast on the Indonesian Ministry of Religion's Youtube, Sunday, March 10.

Yaqut also hopes that people who are Muslim can fast in the holy month solemnly.

"Of course we hope, hopefully with the results of this trial, all Muslims in Indonesia can perform fasting with sincerity," he explained.

For information, the results of the trial determined the beginning of Ramadan were taken after reports in 134 points in various parts of Indonesia that witnessed the hilal.

Yaqut explained, based on the team's observations, the height of the hilal throughout Indonesia was in the position of -0 degrees 20.2 minutes to 0 degrees 52.09 minutes. Then, the angle of the elongation was 2 degrees 14.78 minutes to 2 degrees 41.84 minutes.

Meanwhile, based on the new criteria agreed by the Minister of Religion of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (MABIMS), at the beginning of the month Ramadan entered if the position of hilal at sunset was 3 degrees and the elongation was 6.4 degrees.

"Based on the reckoning, the position of the hilal on the blood clots in Indonesia is already above the horizon, and does not meet the criteria for the new majors and the absence of reports seeing the hilal," said Yaqut.