Signs Of Heart Arrest Warning That Need To Be Watched Out For

YOGYAKARTA Hundry is different from a heart attack. Cardiac arrest is a condition where the function of the heart, breathing and response of the heart stops suddenly. Cardiac arrests often occur suddenly. However, signs of cardiac arrest usually appear within 24 hours before the incident.
Well, in this article, VOI has summarized a number of information about signs of cardiac arrest warning that must be watched out for. Come on, read the full following reviews.
According to AI-Care, Tuesday, March 12, 2024, recognizable cardiac arrest warnings include:
In some people, symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest can also begin with discomfort in the solar plexus.
Citing Healthline, some people who experienced cardiac arrest suddenly felt signs of warning 24 hours before the incident.
Meanwhile, recent research shows that a warning sign of cardiac arrest can vary depending on a person's gender.
Based on research published in Lancet Digital Health Friday, most women experience symptoms of shortness of breath before their heart stops suddenly. In men, the frequent symptoms of cardiac arrest are chest pain accompanied by difficulty breathing and sweating.
Senior heart electrophysiology and director at the Center for Cardiac Arrest Prevention at the Smidt Heart Institute Summeet S. Cugh said that if a man experiences sudden chest pain unexpectedly, the risk of sudden cardiac arrest is twice as high.
Meanwhile, a woman who experiences sudden and unexpected shortness of breath, has a three-time greater chance of experiencing cardiac arrest.
Citing the Mayo Clinic page, the common cause of cardiac arrest is the presence of an irregular heart rhythm (arithmia) that occurs when the heart electrical system cannot work properly.
These electrical problems can be caused by various health conditions, including:
In some cases, sudden cardiac arrest occurs due to a congenital electrical problem known as abnormal heart rhythm. Usually this condition is experienced by people who suffer from gross syndrome or long QT.
Sudden cardiac arrest is an emergency condition that needs to be treated immediately. If you know there are people who have cardiac arrest, you should contact an emergency medical officer for RJP (Pulmonary Heart Resuscitation) or electric shocks during treatment.
If the patient is rescued, the doctor will dig up the cause of cardiac arrest through a series of tests such as electrocardiograms (EKG), blood tests, or imaging tests. Once the cause of cardiac arrest is known, the doctor will recommend appropriate treatment.
Several types of handling that can be given include medicines,ile angioplosia to promote blockages and installation of defRIBulators, to heart surgery.
This is information about signs of cardiac arrest warning. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.