Police Reveal Reasons For Security Of Makmur Cafe Happy To Stab Visitors To Death

JAKARTA The stabbing incident of a visitor at the Makmur Bahagia Cafe, Kemang, South Jakarta was quite surprising. The victim named Ahmad Mardianto (26) died at the hands of SS, local cafe security. In fact, SS's job should be to guard, secure and anticipate a commotion. Then, what was the reason he stabbed Ahmad until he finally died?

SS, on the night of the incident, Wednesday, March 6, was carrying out his duties as a cafe security officer. Unexpectedly, that night there was a commotion.

Unfortunately, Mampang Police Chief Kompol David Kanito did not explain why Ahmad broke the drink bottle. The atmosphere became tense. Ahmad was led out of the cafe, and at that time the commotion was unavoidable.

As seen in the video circulating, Ahmad was beaten by a number of people. One of them is SS, the security officer.

Kompol David revealed that SS used a knife and stabbed him so that Ahmad could be paralyzed.

"The victim always fought back and tried to beat the security guards," David told reporters, Friday, March 8.

Ahmad was immediately taken to the hospital for serious injuries in a number of his bodies. But unfortunately, a few moments later Ahmad's life could not be saved. The man died after his body was stuck with a knife.

Four perpetrators including SS, have been named suspects. Police are still hunting down one of the perpetrators involved in the beating.

Pisau Dibuang Di Taman Kemang

Police Commissioner David Kanito also explained that SS threw away the knife used to stab Ahmad into a park not far from the crime scene (TKP).

"He (the perpetrator) felt guilty and then he threw the knife away to eliminate evidence in the Taman Kemang area," said David.

However, the knife that SS dumped was finally found and used as evidence. Meanwhile, SS turned himself in to the police station after the police conducted a search and examined the SS family.

"We conducted an examination and developed evidence of a knife in the Taman Kemang area. Finally we got the knife," continued the police chief.

"We met with his family (SS). We gave an appeal and ultimatum so that the person concerned would surrender himself," concluded David.

Shortly after, SS surrendered himself to the Mampang Prapatan Police Station accompanied by his family.

"Not long after that, on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 16.00, the suspect SS was handed over by his family to the Mampang Police," said the police chief.

"The suspect SS surrendered on his own accordance because he admitted his actions were wrong and at the encouragement of the family we had from the police appealed to and gave an ultimatum to the suspect SS to surrender," he said.