OIKN Says Stanford University From The US Starts Building Campuses At IKN In May 2024

JAKARTA - The Australian Capital Authority (OIKN) revealed that Stanford University from the United States began building campuses in the capital city of Nusantara or IKN in May 2024.

"We are also working with a well-known international school, namely Stanford University, hopefully later in May they will start building a campus," said OIKN Head Bambang Susantono at an online seminar in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 8.

Bambang added that Stanford University began building campuses for research first at IKN.

Stanford University's presence at IKN will create a snowball effect, because Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital OIKN Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi has recorded 7-8 international campuses such as Leiden University, Delft, Rotterdam from the Netherlands, then from Finland there are several campuses and so on that are ready to enter IKN.

"Because we have prepared various planning and international standards, there are many organizations that want IKN to become a Living Lab," said Bambang.

According to him, all new approaches from urban planning and areas were tested and tested on IKN such as nature-based solutions, what kind of gender-friendly cities and cities, cities that have Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) like, and so on.

For example, how the UN with 13 units below it directly supports IKN.

"I want to convey that the international community is starting to enter IKN, in a sense to see the knowledge," said Bambang.

Based on Attachment II concerning the IKN Main Plan in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, the basic principles of education at KIKN as a whole will be directed at the concept of 21-century education which is in line with the vision of education at KIKN, namely building the best educational ecosystem to meet the needs of future talents in the economic cluster and being an example for higher education administrators and improving living standards.

The direction of planning, concepts and education strategies in the IKN Region (KIKN) is based on several considerations, namely intervention at the vocational level is very important to meet the talent needs of new economic clusters because about 60 percent of the projected work in 2045 is vocational.

Then it is important to increase the availability of advanced tertiary education in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and management to support the needs of growth and innovation in future economic clusters.

High-quality K-12 education is the main criterion to attract the transfer of domestic and foreign citizens and to become a prerequisite for IKN.