Mahfud Regarding Ganjar Reported To KPK By IPW: I'm Not Interested In Following

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number three, Mahfud MD admitted that he was not interested in following the issue of the reported pair of presidential candidates, Ganjar Pranowo, to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) by Indonesia Police Watch (IPW).

It is known that Ganjar Pranowo was reported to the KPK by IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso regarding the alleged corruption in the receipt of cashback from the underwriter insurance company at Bank Jateng. He was reported together with the former director of Bank Jateng with the initials S.

"Yes, it's up to the KPK. I'm not too interested in following it because the political situation is there, it's in front of us," Mahfud told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, March 8.

Even so, Mahfud has communicated with Ganjar about this. "Ganjar doesn't (there is money receiving, ed). He said (Ganjar, ed) doesn't exist (received, ed). That's all," said the former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam).

Previously reported, Ganjar was reported with the former Director of Bank Jateng with the initials S to the KPK by the Chairman of IPW Sugeng Teguh Santoso. There are allegations of cashback receipts from the underwriter insurance company that was not reported as receipt.

Ganjar then denied accepting gratuities or bribes as reported by Sugeng. He said, none of the money went into his pocket from Bank Jateng.

"I have never received gratification as he reported," said Ganjar when contacted by VOI via text message, Tuesday, March 5.

Meanwhile, PDIP Secretary General Hasto said the party who voiced fraud in the 2024 General Election began to be intimidated. One of them, the cadre who is also the presidential candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo.

"We'll see how he reacts, acts and reactions, then Pak Ganjar proposes the right to inquiry, immediately electrocuted, someone reports to the KPK," said Hasto when he was a panelist for the discussion 'Consolidation for Democracy Post-Ection 2024: Opposition or Coalition?' at the Juwono Auditorium Sudarsono Fisip UI, Depok, Thursday, March 7.