1 Meter Flood, Bodies In West Pasaman Must Ride A Rubber Boat To TPU

SIMPANG FOUR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra evacuated bodies through puddles using a rafting rubber boat in Nagari Aia Gadang, due to overflowing water from the Batang Pasaman River, Friday, March 8. "The body is from Agam Regency to be buried in Ujung Gading Pasaman Barat. Ambulance cars cannot pass through the Batang Pasaman location, due to flooding as high as one meter," said the Head of the West Pasaman BPBD Emergency Division, Afrizal, quoted by ANTARA.

He said the body had to be evacuated using a rubber boat, because two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles could not pass through the puddle. "After arriving on the other side, the body will be taken by car to Ujung Gading," he said. The current of transportation from Ujung Gading to Simpang Empat was cut off due to a flood as high as one meter. This was triggered by the high rainfall since Thursday afternoon. He explained that due to high rainfall, a number of areas experienced floods and landslides. from temporary data, the natural disaster that occurred was the road in Jorong Limpato Kenagarian Kajai, Talamau District, causing the traffic flow of Simpang Empat-Talu to be cut off. Floods in Batang Saman, Pasaman District resulted in the passover of Simpang Empat-Ujung Gading which could not be passed by vehicles and floods in Wonosari, Kinali District. Broken bridges in Rura Patontang, Koto Balingka sub-district resulted in a road from Parit-Rura Patontang cannot be traversed by vehicles and floods in Aek Napal, Ranah Batahan District, causing a housing unit to be swept away by the current.

Then, floods in Silawai, Sungai Beremas sub-district caused the Bangis-Ujung Gading water road to be impassable by vehicles, floods in Jorong Sialang, Sasak Ranah Pasisia sub-district and floods in Sungai Aur sub-district to cause the road not to be passed by vehicles. "The joint team has gone to the field to provide assistance. The data on the number of submerged houses are still being collected," he said.