NasDem: Special Committee For Election Cheating Formation Of DPD Strengthening The Revoket Rights In The DPR

JAKARTA - Members of the DPR RI NasDem Party faction Taufik Basari welcomed the formation of a special committee (pansus) to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 General Election by the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI).Taufik said, the DPD special committee could increase the strength of the DPR in an effort to roll out the right of inquiry. Although, he said, the special committee formed by the DPD was not related to the right of inquiry proposed by the DPR. "In terms of mechanisms, (the DPD principle) is not related to the right of inquiry submitted by the DPR," said Taufik to reporters on Friday, March 8. "But at least, perhaps there are findings obtained by the DPD and it could also be material for us when we carry out this right of inquiry," he continued. Taufik said, the DPD special committee can still provide input to the DPR RI in the context of the planned right of inquiry allegations of election fraud. "Yes, politically, it may be possible to provide material for strengthening input also to the budget process that is being prepared by the DPR," he said.

Taufik ensured that the NasDem Party faction in the DPR RI would use the right of inquiry in the DPR to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 Presidential Election. Currently, he said, his party is collecting signs as one of the requirements for applying for the right of inquiry. "Until now, we are committed and support it to be part of the right of inquiry," he said.