Patients With COVID-19 Cases 01 And 03 Are Cured After Two Tests
JAKARTA - Two patients with COVID-19 who were treated at the Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI), Jakarta, were declared cured. Two of these patients are patients with identity number 01 which is the first case of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
"This is good news, so patient number 01 has been negative twice (the test result). Alhamdulillah, he is physically very good," said RSPI Sulianti Saroso Managing Director, Mohammad Syahril, to reporters at RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta, Friday, March 13.
Apart from patient number 01, said Syahril, another patient who was declared cured was patient number 03 and both of them were ready to be discharged this afternoon.
"Both are clinically good, their condition is generally good and we can say that we are cured in this service," he said.
It is known that the patient with identity number 01, female, tested positive for COVID-19, after making direct contact with a Japanese national who lives in Malaysia. The meeting at that time took place after the two of them attended an event at a cafe in the Kemang area, South Jakarta.
When close contact occurred, it turned out that the Japanese citizen had been suffering from COVID-19 since last February 14.
Although patient number 01 has been declared cured, the mother of this patient, identified as patient number 02, is still in isolation at the hospital. According to Syahril, currently patient number 02 has a good and stable clinical condition.
"The condition of patient number 02, the clinical condition is still good, so it is stable. Indeed, we have not received the compilation of the laboratory results, so we will wait," he said.
Although patients 01 and 03 will be discharged from RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Syahril said that later the two of them will not be allowed to immediately carry out their usual activities. They still have to wear masks and should not be overly active. In addition, these two patients also had to isolate themselves first and not have much contact with other people.
Monitoring by the Health Office will also continue to be carried out on these two patients. "The Health Office has an obligation to monitor it. Because this is epidemiology. That means we monitor it not only clinically but also socially," he said.
Previously reported, apart from patients with identities number 01 and 03 who were declared cured, previously Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto had announced that three people from the Friendship Hospital, Jakarta had now tested positive.
The three people who were declared cured were patient number 06 was male with 39 years of age, patient number 14 was male with age 50 years, and patient number 19 was male with 49 years of age.