Bawaslu Will Bimtek Repeat The TPS Supervisory For Re-voting In Kuala Lumpur

Chairman of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja said that his party would hold technical guidance (bimtek) again to the supervisor of the polling station (PTPS) re-voting (PSU) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

"However, the time was very limited at that time. For recruitment alone, it was a bit difficult, eh, it wasn't difficult, it had to be really extra," said Bagjadi, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 6.

Bagja said the plan was to follow up on several notes from the Open Pleno Meeting on the Recapitulation of National Level Vote Counting Results and the Determination of Simultaneous 2024 Election Results which discussed national recapitulation for foreign votes from Wednesday (28/2) to Monday (4/3).

"Yesterday's plenary note is that the ability of PPLN (foreign election committee), KPPS (the polling group) is a bit problematic," he said.

Regarding the issue of the permanent voter list (DPT) which is not covered or not well verified, it is also a note considered by Bawaslu.

Bagja hopes that the implementation of the PSU in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia can run well.

"Yes, hopefully it can be carried out well. 'There is also a permit problem, right? We are waiting for the KPU (General Election Commission) RI," said Bagja.

Previously, KPU member Idham Holik said that the implementation of the PSU in Kuala Lumpur would use the mobile ballot box (KSK) method which was scheduled for March 9, 2024 and the polling method (TPS) which was held the following day, March 10, 2024.

"For the KSK method, KPPSakan carries out escorts from start to finish. The next day, the ballots will be calculated in conjunction with the results of the PSU from the TPS method," said Idham when contacted in Jakarta, Tuesday (5/3).

Furthermore, from March 11 to 14, 2024, the recapitulation and submission of the results of the recapitulation of the calculations. On March 15, 2024, it is targeted to have reached the national level.