Riau Police Unloading Tombs Of Police Detainees Allegedly Dead Unnaturally, Head Bolongs Behind Left Ears

PekanBARU - Riau Police dismantled a prisoner who was languishing in the Bukit Raya Sector Police, Pekanbaru City named Dimas Fernanda (25) who allegedly died unnaturally in a police cell in November 2023.

Director of the Direskrimum of the Riau Police, Kombes Asep Darmawan, said that his party carried out the demolition or exhumation process on Sunday (3/3).

"It's true, last Sunday a team from Sub-Directorate 3 Unit 2 together with a team of forensic doctors at Bhayangkara Hospital, Riau Police, conducted an exhumation of Dimas' body at the Medan Polonia Muslim Public Cemetery, Medan City, North Sumatra," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 6.

Asep said this was done because the family asked the police to do this so that the body was autopsied at Bhayangkara Hospital. The graves of the late Dimas Fernanda were then dismantled by a team of forensic doctors at Bhayangkara Hospital, Riau Police.

"Not yet. The team of Forensic Doctors at Bhayangkara Hospital at the Riau Police is working," said Asep.

Meanwhile, based on information from the legal counsel from the family of the late Dimas, his party also participated in the exhumation process carried out by the Riau Police at the Medan Polonia Muslim TPU.

"We witnessed, accompanied the victim's family," he said.

Based on information from his family while bathing Dimas's body, they found Dimas's condition which was very concerning.

"So the story of his family while bathing the victim, his head was broad, right behind his left ear. Then his neck was broken," he explained.

For this reason, his party is suspicious of Dimas' death in the detention cell of the Bukit Raya Police, Pekanbaru. "That's why we consider the death of this victim to be unnatural," he said.

Dimas is a suspect in embezzlement in work, where he sells used items at an audio store located on Jalan Arifin Ahmad, Pekanbaru City.