Fast Ship Express Bahari Starts Docking, Trip To Sabang Remains Normal

BANDA ACEH - PT Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur has begun to carry out annual routine maintenance (docking) for the Express Bahari fast boat on the Banda Aceh - Sabang crossing route, in an effort to keep the ship's condition durable while providing comfort for passengers while sailing.

As long as the Express Bahari ship undergoes docking, the Banda Aceh - Sabang crossing route continues to run normally because the private company has a number of other fast boats.

"We are conducting annual docking for Express Bahari 2F starting from the hull to the propeller, to maintain the maximum quality of the ship," said Head of PT Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur Branch Representative, Nur Surya Saputra, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, March 6.

He explained that this time it was the turn of the Express Bahari 2F ship to carry out maintenance at PT Dok and Shipship Kodja Bahari (Persero) Sabang. This maintenance is an obligation for the company as the ship's operator.

The maintenance and maintenance is carried out starting from the hull, ship propeller, painting in several parts, as well as other things that need repairs during maintenance.

"So it is our duty, every ship does have an annual docking, not because of the damage, but indeed the annual priority docking, all ships," he said.

He added, as long as the Express Bahari ship undergoes docking, the Banda Aceh - Sabang crossing route continues to run normally, namely three trips per day, both from Banda Aceh and vice versa, because the private company has a number of other fast boats.

"Apart from Express Bahari 2F, we still have Express Bahari 5F, Cantika 89 and Express Bahari 2C. Everyone gets their annual maintenance turn, alternately," he said.