Getting To Know Customer Service, Mandatory Tasks And Skills Controlled

YOGYAKARTA - Customer service (CS) professions are always available in every company. Currently, there are many company vacancies for customer service positions, be it in SOEs, private companies, startups, and business brands. CS's position is also quite in demand by fresh graduates or jobseers because the salaries offered are competitive.

The customer service position has an important role in companies tasked with serving customer requests and complaints. A CS is a representative of the company or business in communicating with its customers. That is why customer service positions are asked to maintain customer comfort and satisfaction.

In several companies or businesses, CS's position is also known as customer care, customer advisor, or hotline service. So what is customer service and job responsibility?

Customer service or CS is a service provided by the company to customers, either before buying products or services or after they use it. Therefore, a customer service plays a crucial role in maintaining company relationships directly with customers.

Although often taken lightly, customer service work actually has various functions and important roles in the company. There are two main functions carried out by customer service, namely being the face of the company in the public eye and forming a positive corporate culture.

Customer service can also be interpreted as a direct interaction between consumers who make purchases with staff representing the brand or business. The customer service mission is to create convenience for customers. They must be able to provide a more positive transaction experience and in line with customer expectations.

Role or customer service role also develops over time. If in the past, customer service is generally related to telephone services, currently many CS positions provide customer service through chat and email features.

The task of a customer service is basically related to customers who are interested in buying products/services from their business or those that have used them. However, jobdesk specifically for the position of CS can vary depending on the industry and its companies.

What is certain is that a customer service is required to be able to provide an understanding so that customers are comfortable using their products. A CS will communicate with customers, whether they submit complaints / complaints, ask questions, or ask for assistance related to the use of their products or services.

Although each company can apply a different jobdesk for the position of CS, here are the customer service tasks in general:

The position of customer service is often taken lightly because the job is considered only to be related to customers, either by phone call, chat, or email. But behind that, the customer service position requires a number of skills to be able to carry out their duties properly or optimally.

A customer service must not only be proficient in communicating, but also need to master other skills. The following are a number of skills that must be mastered by a customer service:

Demikianlah pengusan mengenal customer service, tugas, dan skill yang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan membutuhkan customer service untuk bisa menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan dan membangun citra baik perusahaan di publik. Profesi ini juga memiliki peran penting dalam kemajuan sebuah perusahaan. Baca juga apa itu frontliner, tugas dan skill yang harus dikendali.

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