Recapitulation Of Election Votes In East Jakarta Colored By Protests, Party Witnesses Suspect That There Is A Voice Sale And Purchase

JAKARTA - The plenary meeting on the recapitulation of vote count results in East Jakarta in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) at a hotel in the Rawamangun area, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, last Tuesday, March 5, was bombarded with protests from witnesses from one of the parties.

They protested regarding indications of election fraud in East Jakarta against the East Jakarta KPU. The protest was also raised by one of the party's witnesses before the recapitulation began. The protest was also based on findings and evidence of alleged election fraud.

"I am disappointed with the behavior of the organizers who still allow and do not process the people involved in indications of evil conspiracy. So some of the Cakung PPK TPS get funds from someone, even though the funds have been returned to the person concerned. But that violates democracy in East Jakarta," said Rudy Darmawanto, one of the party's witnesses to reporters, Wednesday morning, February 6.

In his protest, Rudy demanded that the DKI KPU and the East Jakarta KPU process PPK and PPS Cakung who were involved in the evil conspiracy.

"The news is that they have been returned the funds - the funds are to those who have them. But they don't give up their crimes," he said.

Rudy thinks that according to corruption legal regulations, "you can return the money but the crime must run".

"Therefore, I ask the KPU to process those people. That's why it is a political crime. Crime of constitutional rights citizens, sell and buy votes, transfer votes to others, mark votes," he explained.

Rudy also said that his party had the completeness of the evidence of fraud in question. He asked the KPU to act immediately. So that the KPU conducts an investigation of his subordinates.

"There are photos of them in party friends, they receive all kinds of money, TPS everything in Cakung and some PPK in Cakung District. That's a political crime whose level is almost the same as the life sentence for the perpetrators," he said.

Rudy also criticized that the DKPP or Panwas could not only carry out administrative sanctions (on) these people. They, said Rudy, had to take legal action with the harshest punishment.

"Yes, the proof is there. It's a crime, it's not allowed. It injures democracy," he said.

Rudy was disappointed when the protest against his proposed findings was not responded to by the East Jakarta KPU after protesting verbally.

"I ask for clarification (but) until today there is no clarification. There has been no clarification. So if there is no clarification, it means that they (East Jakarta KPU) are involved," he said.

Meanwhile, when confirmed, the Head of the East Jakarta KPU Technical Division, Carlos Paath, said that the head of the East Jakarta Institution (KPU) was competent to explain.

"Just to the chairman, yes, the mouthpiece of the institution and the leadership of the trial (recapitulation)," he said.

However, the chairman of the East Jakarta KPU, Tedi Kurnia, was reluctant to comment.