How To Increase The Use Of Domestic Products In The Style Of The Minister Of Industry Agus

JAKARTA - The government is committed to continuing to optimize the implementation of the Domestic Product Use Improvement (P3DN) program.

This strategic step is believed to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the industry in the country, which leads to the impact of national economic growth and people's welfare towards Indonesia Gold 2045.

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said, so that the absorption of PDN can be higher, there are five steps taken by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin).

First, issue Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of Industry Number 46 of 2022 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Calculating Domestic Component Level Values for Small Industries.

"For this reason, we need support from all regional heads so that small industries in their working areas can take advantage of the Permen facility in order to obtain certification," said Minister of Industry Agus in a written statement, Wednesday, March 6.

Second, increase the number of surveyors so that they can more and more issue Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certificates.

"The third step is to adjust how to calculate TKDN which is the last directive from the President (Joko Widodo)," he said.

The fourth step is to evaluate how to calculate and threshold TKDN that has been determined. Given, different industrial characters must be observant and cannot generalize the predetermined method of calculating.

For example, the cost base is changed to process base or vice versa. "The adjustment of how to calculate TKDN is an ongoing process that is currently being carried out by the Ministry of Industry," he said.

The last step is that the Ministry of Industry continues to oversee the realization of PDN spending and fulfill the needs of products in the procurement of goods and services.

Agus added, through the Business Matching 2024 event which will be held in Bali on March 5-7, 2024, it is hoped that the realization of the use of domestic products can increase.

"The commitment that has been built since the beginning needs to be continuously monitored so that its implementation in the field can show maximum results," he said.

As for this year, the potential for goods and capital expenditure in the APBN and APBD is IDR 1,223 trillion and this figure is outside of spending from BUMN and BUMD. Meanwhile, the realization of domestic product spending is targeted to reach IDR 250 trillion in the first quarter of 2024.