KPU Waits For Regions To Complete Recapitulation For National Voice Counting

JAKARTA - KPU member Idham Holik said his party was waiting for regional officials, especially the provincial KPU to complete the vote recapitulation process to be continued to the national level.

"After the Provincial KPU completes the recapitulation process, the KPU will immediately recapitulate the votes acquired by election participants in 38 provinces," said Idham as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 5.

According to him, the KPU does not have to wait for all provinces to complete the recapitulation process to be continued to the national stage.

If the ranks in the provinces finish completing the recapitulation process, the Indonesian KPU can immediately continue the recapitulation process for national vote counting.

Idham revealed that only several provinces have completed recapitulations such as Riau and Central Kalimantan. The KPU is still collecting data and then proceeds to the process of recapitulating national calculations.

"So everything doesn't have to be collected first, so while walking simultaneously the recapitulation will be carried out," he said.

It is known that the KPU has completed the recapitulation of national level vote count in 127 of the 28 overseas electoral committee (PPLN).

Then, leaving PPLN Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who has not done this because the KPU and Bawaslu RI decided to hold a re-voting (PSU), due to serious problems with the integrity of the voter list.

The PSU in Kuala Lumpur will use two methods and last for two days. The two methods are voting at polling stations (TPS) and mobile ballot boxes (KSK).

The PSU for the KSK method was carried out on March 9, 2024 and the TPS method was implemented the following day, March 10, 2024.