2 Gus Samsudin Video Team Becomes New Suspect In Pair Exchange Content Case

The East Java Regional Police have again named two suspects in the case of exchange of partners. Previously, the police named Samsudin or commonly known as Gus Samsudin as a suspect.
"There are two new suspects related to Samsudin's brother's content. First, the initials FB camera, another editor with the initials FK," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto, Tuesday, March 4.
In addition to aiming to increase the number of subscribers, Samsudin also made the content hope that the medical treatment place in Blitar would be more well-selling. Meanwhile, regarding the blasphemy article, the police will still carry out religious expert examinations.
"Exaksi ahli yang sudah diperiksa ahli sociasi bahasa, untuk pemeriksaan yang lain akan menyusul. Sementara Samsudin dijerat pasal UU ITE," katanya.
Meanwhile, other suspects in the video are still being investigated by the investigative team.
"For the central MUI which has a statement, hopefully it can be a guide for investigators to conduct investigations and deepening related to this case," he said.