List Of Provinces That Hold Tax Whitening In March 2024, Purworejo Removes Fines For Many Taxes

YOGYAKARTA The whitening of motorized vehicles will be held again this year. In the list of provinces with tax bleaching titles in March 2024, there are several areas that organize it. The public can listen to the list to follow the bleaching of the latest motorized vehicles.

Whitening the vehicle tax itself is a program to provide discounts or abolition of fines for the suspension of motor vehicle taxes to ease the tax burden on vehicle owners. In bleaching, motorized vehicle owners simply pay or pay off the principal of PKB without having to pay arrears fines.

However, each region has the latest bleaching requirements and their respective provisions. However, this opportunity needs to be utilized by people who own motorized vehicles with tax arrears.

In 2024, there are several provinces that hold the latest motorcycle tax bleaching. The following is a list of areas that hold the latest car bleaching.

The whitening of vehicles organized by the Aceh Provincial Government will be held from 18 December 2023 to 31 December 2024. This program runs with the issuance of Aceh Governor Regulation Number 40 of 2023 concerning Progressive Tax Exemption and Motor Vehicle Tax Fines.

For the people of Aceh who want to take part in the motorcycle tax bleaching program, they will receive relief, namely the exemption of progressive taxation and exemption from vehicle tax fines.

To get tax relief, vehicle owners are required to bring documents, namely Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), Identity Card (KTP) according to the name listed on the STNK. Both documents must be in the form of the original.

Vehicle whitening in Jambi has started to be held from January 6 to March 28, 2024. This program provides some relief, namely as follows.

For people who have motorbikes or cars with outer plates, it is recommended to immediately transfer them into Jambi plates (BH).

The Purworejo Regency Government also held a program to bleach motor vehicle fines. The latest whitening of vehicles in Purworejo will be held from February 2 to March 30, 2024.

This program is regulated in the Purworejo Regent's Decree Number which was signed by Regent Yuli Hastuti.

The abolition of fines is also applied to all types of regional taxes such as land and building taxes (PBB), duties for obtaining land and building rights (BPHTB), billboard taxes, groundwater taxes, and non-metal and rock mineral taxes.

In the regent's decree Number, it is explained that the policies taken were carried out to optimize regional revenues.

That's a list of provinces with tax bleaching titles in March 2024. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.