Recapitulation Of Overseas Voice Counting Completed, Kuala Lumpur Remains Because Of PSU

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) has completed an open plenary meeting to recapitulate vote count from abroad, Monday 4 March with the closure of Taipei. KPU Chairman Hasyim Asyari said that the foreign vote count was in accordance with the schedule, by implementing the two panel method. "Alhamdulillah, we can complete the recapitulation with PPLN friends (the Overseas Election Committee) according to schedule, to speed up the process we made two panels, panel A and panel B. Today, Monday 4 March 2024 is the last chance for PPLN, indeed a recap for PPLN, the final schedule is today," said Hasyim. Hasyim said the sequence of recapitulation calculations started from PPLN which was first present in Jakarta. Of the 128 PPLN, 127 PPLN have completed the national level recapitulation, and the remaining PPLN Kuala Lumpur still has to re-vote (PSU). "We plan to re-vote in Kuala Lumpur using two methods, namely the TPS method and the mobile ballot box (KSK). Later the plan will be held on the same day Sunday 10 March 2024," he said.

Hasyim added that the basis for re-election is the final voter list (DPT) set for June 20 and 21, 2023. After an analysis is carried out from the KPU, it is determined that the foreign DPT for the re-voting of Kuala Lumpur is 62,217 voters and will then be allocated for 2 selected methods, namely TPS and KSK.