Ministry Of Trade Says Lowering Medium Rice Prices In People's Market Takes Time
JAKARTA - The Director General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) Isy Karim said the decline in the price of medium rice in people's markets took time because prices in the main market had gradually decreased.
The main markets in question are the Johar Karawang Rice Market and the Cipinang Rice Main Market, East Jakarta.
According to Isy, the price of medium rice in the main market gradually fell after the government intervened through the disbursement of market operating rice supply or Stabilization of Food Supply and Prices (SPHP).
"Indeed, since the government's rice reserves have been disbursed, it has decreased. But for the main market to the people's market, traditional markets need time," he said in a discussion themed "Preparation for Ramadan, Condition of Price of Basic Materials" which was witnessed virtually, Monday, March 4.
Isy admitted that based on price monitoring in 649 traditional markets spread across 503 districts/cities through the Ministry of Trade's Market Monitoring and Basic Needs System (SP2KP), the price of medium rice is still very high.
From the results of observations, said Isy, the price of rice in Region A, namely Java, Sulawesi, South Sumatra, Lampung, Bali and NTB is still high. In fact, there was an increase of 6.16 percent compared to last month.
Likewise in Region B which includes other Sumatra, Kalimantan, and NTT which recorded an increase of around 10.9 percent or up to almost 11 percent.
"As for Region C which includes Maluku and Papua, the price has started to fall," he said.
Even though there was an increase in rice prices, Isy said the figure had dropped compared to the previous month.
"Only the increase compared to before has started to fall. If the previous increase was high, this has started to go down even more," he said.