Ministry Of Industry: The P3DN Program Will Boost National Economic Growth

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry said the program to increase the use of Domestic Products (P3DN) could boost national economic growth. Secretary-General of the Ministry of Industry Eko SA Cahyanto in a statement in Jakarta, Monday 4 March said, this can be seen from the strengthening of manufacturing industry infrastructure, such as the addition of new factories, and the absorption of domestic workforce. Furthermore, he said, the use of domestic products can have a direct impact on national economic resilience. Based on the results of a study by economic researchers, every Rp1 used to buy domestic products, has the potential to return the nominal to the state by Rp2.2 or more than double. Therefore, every government agency or institution that uses domestic products will bring again profits to the national economy, thus contributing to the welfare of the community. To realize this, Eko said that the Ministry of Industry held Business Matching 2024 which brought together industry players as producers, with domestic product users in particular, who used government budgets through procurement of goods and services. He considered, from the P3DN program, the budget projection that could be replayed was Rp1,200 trillion. We have identified the potential for government spending for the purchase of domestic products around Rp1,200 trillion. From the potential budget that exists at the center and this area, we try to bring together budget users with domestic product providers who certainly have TKDN certificates,'' he said, quoted from Antara.

Menurutnya, selain membantu untuk mendongkrak perekonomian nasional, melalui pelaksanaan kewajiban penggunaan produk dalam negeri juga bertujuan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap produk impor.“Hal ini sejalan dengan kebijakan yang tengah digencarkan oleh Kemenperin, yakni substitusi impor. Jadi, kami optimistis produk industri kita bisa menjadi tuan di negeri sendiri,” kata Sekjen Kemenperin Eko.