Madiun Police Arrest Perpetrators Of The Robbery Of Cigarette Box Cars Worth IDR 3.1 Billion

JAKARTA - Madiun Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) officers managed to secure a gang of perpetrators of robbery of a box car containing cigarettes belonging to CV Megah Sejahrtera worth IDR 3.1 billion in the Caruban area, Madiun Regency, East Java.

Madiun Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Ridwan said, in this case, the police managed to arrest three of the nine members of the gang. Meanwhile, six other people entered the DPO.

"A total of six people who are currently still DPOs have roles as cigarette sellers resulting from the robbery. Meanwhile, the three people who have been arrested are executors," said Police Chief Ridwan during a press conference in Madiun, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 2.

The three perpetrators who were arrested had the initials SPR, WW, and AE who were residents of Pemalang and Kebumen. They were arrested in Central Java along with evidence.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured several pieces of evidence including police clothes, police vests, handcuffs, and traffic sticks used by the perpetrators to act.

AKBP Ridwan explained that the robbery of the cigarette cargo car was carried out on Saturday, February 24, 2024, Madiun-Ngawi Highway, Buduran Village, Wonoasri District, Madiun Regency. In the action, there were those who targeted the police as members who were carrying out operations and stopped the target box car.

After the perpetrator stopped the target truck driver, two other perpetrators were in charge of handcuffing and taped the driver.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator disguised himself as a police officer and stopped the car as if there was an officer's operation, with the initials SPR. Meanwhile, WW is a recedivist who plays a role in planning the theft and the perpetrator with the initials AE helps commit the crime.

The modus operandi of the perpetrators was to disguise himself as a member of the police and then stop the box truck which was already known to be loaded with cigarettes.

"After stopping, the driver was taped and then held in the car used by the perpetrator to act and be taken to Cirebon, West Java," he said.

The police chief added that the loss suffered by the victim in this case was 219 cartons with a nominal value of Rp. 3.1 billion. The cigarettes were successfully sold to collectors with a nominal value of Rp. 840 million, but the suspect EA as a collector who is still a DPO of Rp. 420 million.

"From the proceeds from the sale of Rp420 million, each suspect received a share of Rp60 million," added the Police Chief.

The police are still pursuing the other six perpetrators who have different roles.

Based on this incident, the perpetrators were subject to Article 365 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 12 years in prison.