Palestinian Foreign Minister: Gaza's Genocide Continues To Occur If There Is No Break

JAKARTA - Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki on Friday March 1 warned of a "continued genocide" in the Gaza Strip if a ceasefire agreement is not reached in the next two or three weeks.

"If in the next two to three weeks we cannot reach a ceasefire, then that means we will see other rounds of hostility, attacks on Rafah, other massacres, and continued genocide," said al-Maliki on the sidelines of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum., reported by Antara.

"(Palestinian PM Benjamin) Netanyahu wants to completely expel people from Gaza, and not just make Gaza uninhabitable," he added.

Regarding Israel's policy in the West Bank, al-Maliki said Israel has long-term interests not only to remain in the West Bank.

"But also to expel people from the West Bank into Jordan and also to annex Palestinian territory."

"That's why we witness daily seizures of Palestinian land in the West Bank, construction of illegal settlements, destruction of Palestinian homes, attacks from settlers taking place everywhere," he continued.

"When everyone focuses on the genocide that is taking place in Gaza, we must always remember that Israel's true goal is the West Bank, which is calledNIA and Samaria," he said.